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We welcome you to participate in the 12th OPT Workshop on Optimization for Machine Learning. This year's OPT workshop will be run as a virtual event together with NeurIPS. This year we particularly encourage submissions in the area of Adaptive stochastic methods and generalization performance.
We are looking forward to an exciting OPT 2020!
The Workshop
Optimization lies at the heart of many machine learning algorithms and enjoys great interest in our community. Indeed, this intimate relation of optimization with ML is the key motivation for the OPT series of workshops.
Looking back over the past decade, a strong trend is apparent: The intersection of OPT and ML has grown to the point that now cutting-edge advances in optimization often arise from the ML community. The distinctive feature of optimization within ML is its departure from textbook approaches, in particular, its focus on a different set of goals driven by "big-data, nonconvexity, and high-dimensions," where both theory and implementation are crucial.
We wish to use OPT 2020 as a platform to foster discussion, discovery, and dissemination of the state-of-the-art in optimization as relevant to machine learning. And well beyond that: as a platform to identify new directions and challenges that will drive future research, and continue to build the OPT+ML joint research community.
Thank you all for joining the workshop and participating in the poster sessions! We all enjoyed the great talks from the invited speakers, and contributed spotlight presentations (see also the best student paper award for selected student presentations).
We are looking forward to seeing you all at OPT 2021!
For registration and pricing see (student 25$/regular 100$).
How to participate?
- You can join the live stream on the website.
- Questions can be asked by using the chat feature next to the stream, or by joining our all-day zoom webinar. (Link on the website, please note that you cannot listen to pre-recorded talks on zoom, for this we recommend the stream).
- To meet other people in the breaks, or to check out the posters, please visit our